USA Business Visa

Here's everything you need to know about US Business Visa...

Business Visas in the USA for Indians have the highest approval chances. The approval period is as little as 3 to 4 weeks and the main reason for disapproval is poor communication. So, the complexity is always lessened with the involvement of consultancy like Prominent Overseas Hyderabad.

Here are A Few Categories of Business Visa Options for Indians

Temporary Investor Visa: E1 & E2 Visa

Individuals who wish to work in the United States by starting or investing in a business may be eligible for an E1 or E2 investor visa. Note that not everyone is eligible, you need to meet several criteria so you may qualify as the temporary investor. Employees, as well as spouses and children of the principal visa holder, may also be eligible for a visa.

Permanent Investor Visa: EB-5 Visa

The EB-5 visa is a way to get your green card and permanent residency through investment. The EB-5 investor visa program enables foreigners who make an investment in a US business to get a green card and rightfully become permanent residents of the United States. The investment can become a gateway to get a green card for the investor to permanently live and work in the United States with their spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21.

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